Sunday, February 16, 2014

iPhone Coming This Year Exclusive Rumor It is assumed in 2015

iPhone Coming This Year Exclusive RumorIt is assumed in 2015 Apple has launched a new news comes a larger version of the iPhone in WWDC this year, No specific details were shared other than that we will be surprised  This same leaker indicated that Apple is not quite ready to launch their iWatch concept just yet, preferring instead...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Trick for the convenience of the eyes on the bed before going to sleep

Trick for the convenience of the eyes on the bed before going to sleep Everyone before going to sleep, doing anything on the phone in bed and do not want to wake your wife or your spouse then to maintain the eye of the floodlights outgoing from the phone to your eye that are harmful to the eyes, you have today Trick in simple one step to...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Subtle Lock - iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweak

Subtle Lock - iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweak what's up ladies and gentlemen I was seven does quit the job at making things simpler faster and even flatter well this tweet me things even simpler don't believe me well garth lock screen and see what me can't see while so as you can see right here me things are made a lot more flat and I just got a random...

Ayecon - iOS 7 Winterboard Theme 2014

Ayecon - iOS 7 Winterboard Theme 2014 what's a reason Jim De Mint have another CD a penis you and this one is quite amazing and people went nuts over last week to the point where like every single job bank account reputed Sounds like there's no point in the review knickers everyone are you going on about then how guys a single again like...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Two New Cydia Tweaks 2014

Two New Cydia Tweaks 2014 AppSwiper and LockDown Pro hated its me Chapman captain and today we're going but looking at a tweak out ap slapper the a/c is backdated he on he has to battle several other tweets we have looked at amicably also looking at Lock down bro are here just sent me here so and you can get ap slapper from an ass Saints and...

Monday, February 10, 2014

iOS 7 Best Working Cydia Packages

iOS 7 Best Working Cydia Packages what's up to you atone for its here and I've been reading a lot of people saying the latest a I O S seven jailbreak site invasion jailbreak it really isn't that good and not so much crap and on and it's just show you why it's it's fine Joe broke very easily as shown in previous video But I was a couple days...

Differences between IOS 7 and IOS 7.0.2

 Differences between IOS 7 and IOS 7.0.2 To know Differences between IOS 7 and IOS 7.0.2  we have to go to see teen solution and improved EEC's lost system falls high school June South love the now sweetie I who s 7 pooling to yourself to it is up to detain now Yahoo to I'm pleased to explain you difference keys between between I school...

iOS 7.1 beta

iOS 7.1 beta  Hello everyone , and it is absurd Paul 7.1 b is 1 At the outset, we regret that the Russian-language video, but the translation found in Thread Went and the first thing I noticed this cross in the center view of Lenin, he changed let's take a closer look following innovations when no notice and he tells me that pressure...

Interesting Theme for iOS 7 - Designed by You

Interesting Theme for iOS 7   Designed by You From a very interesting guy in this company decided to take a different turn set upon you to scheme he wants to do considering gain now basically he gets a bunch emails and a.m. basically in those emails people asking to do certain things to was icons and he's basically trying to perfect Create...

UNLOCK iPHONE 4S/5/5S/5C IOS 7.0.4 WITH RSIM 3G internet

UNLOCK iPHONE 4S/5/5S/5C IOS 7.0.4 WITH RSIM 3G internet This gtech long today I have by s AT&T iPhone and I but this regard so I can show you guys that this does work on Michael arson nine Pro works on the five s seven-point Odori I West okay missus AT&T right now You can see that AT&T and what I'm gonna do it I'll show you that...