Xcode 5 & iOS 7 Introduction
I've had active element I'm going to be hearing in preview or sharing in a brand new XK that apple just released to the public a couple jay-z guard Xcode 5
which now supports Iowa 7st case so I'm going to be showing how you can get your hands on Xcode 5. what you can do with Xcode five and how to use them in its brand new functionality
How it compares to Xcode 4.6 .3 and how to make your Irish 7 apps work with IRS 6 and the other way around start let's get started I'll be in by showing you how you can get extra five if you haven't already downloaded it if you have you can skip ahead this in this video just a few minutes said first thing you need to do is go into the App Store I've already got my notion the first place you wanted a is in the top menu select update it will only work if you already got Xcode 4.6 fine trains old which is the Xcode that we've been using Travis tutorials is this one the one the startup looking rightness if you have this XIII or any other extraneous told
they all say it where you going to the App Store on click on the UPDATE tab by OS X update as well as act right update you need to update Xcode some in the great new features include preview a system which allows you to say what your I'll a 7.1 look like an hour 6 and vice versa STK gyrus 7 say that you can develop iis7 applications using all the native need Charles ang you order layout and Dubai gauges which are actually very useful if you haven't already in got excited still desi khana date it just search for Xcode in the search area it's the first one that appears on the cat a great developer tools and has the little blue thing with the hammock thrower if you click on it now you'll be able to click of free
I think it's called and then just click downlight it's a bottle 1 gigabyte downright so allow maybe 20 minutes to download the application you know this is a brand new start-ups crane rainy XI basin storyboards and a whole lotta bring you stop in a home meal at and is the first major update checks cages Xcode 3 which was really sweet I'll a story a few years back side Spain a long time coming in much-anticipated silence now I've been up exclude 512 downright it and I shot showing you some great new features are you notice the first thing is that even if you havent use Xcode five of all your applications ERATION applications the you develop to still in the recent area
which now supports Iowa 7st case so I'm going to be showing how you can get your hands on Xcode 5. what you can do with Xcode five and how to use them in its brand new functionality
How it compares to Xcode 4.6 .3 and how to make your Irish 7 apps work with IRS 6 and the other way around start let's get started I'll be in by showing you how you can get extra five if you haven't already downloaded it if you have you can skip ahead this in this video just a few minutes said first thing you need to do is go into the App Store I've already got my notion the first place you wanted a is in the top menu select update it will only work if you already got Xcode 4.6 fine trains old which is the Xcode that we've been using Travis tutorials is this one the one the startup looking rightness if you have this XIII or any other extraneous told
they all say it where you going to the App Store on click on the UPDATE tab by OS X update as well as act right update you need to update Xcode some in the great new features include preview a system which allows you to say what your I'll a 7.1 look like an hour 6 and vice versa STK gyrus 7 say that you can develop iis7 applications using all the native need Charles ang you order layout and Dubai gauges which are actually very useful if you haven't already in got excited still desi khana date it just search for Xcode in the search area it's the first one that appears on the cat a great developer tools and has the little blue thing with the hammock thrower if you click on it now you'll be able to click of free
I think it's called and then just click downlight it's a bottle 1 gigabyte downright so allow maybe 20 minutes to download the application you know this is a brand new start-ups crane rainy XI basin storyboards and a whole lotta bring you stop in a home meal at and is the first major update checks cages Xcode 3 which was really sweet I'll a story a few years back side Spain a long time coming in much-anticipated silence now I've been up exclude 512 downright it and I shot showing you some great new features are you notice the first thing is that even if you havent use Xcode five of all your applications ERATION applications the you develop to still in the recent area
But there's a been having you in space here I live in a lecture for months 6.3 he is a time in the and test noticeable differences I'm layout but also the fact that now you only have the option to creating you expect project well check out something insisting by connecting to a repository you no longer have a link to the Apple developer portal all extra documentation as that's all available within the application the other thing you'll notice is that ensure you hover over the show you this we know in Xcode launches check boxes and then show if you don't want to show every time you start it's like that but i jus
I'll leave it there I'm many click on creating new Xcode project to begin creating you expect project in Xcode 5 so you'll immediately notice a whole a difference is first thing is sprocket kit which is a brain to you option you've got new icons I representing a teacher these options a much thinner status bar in different status many different layout really and it's just very different Malouda show you a tabbed application
child applications interesting in that yet saving you tab as which transparent elisa do a single you let's compare this to what the options are in Xcode 4.6 points right
United favourite have mastered a child in diving GL them page basing will be tabbed utility empty and as I said the only difference is sprocket shamanists like tabbed application me contrite anything isolate I suggest that if you want to start experimenting with ira 7x 5 his job with the tab just single view and want to use to it a bit they each in stock ratings and applications so once you click Next unite is a big difference which is you no longer have the option to select to use Oct chick include unit test and whether or not you want to use Tory Lord by default all I'll a7x great 5 project the storyboards not XI Bay so it's worth getting used to using a story bout
If you have been using XI base and have covered this in she Charles 1&2 if you're not already familiar with them the reason that you including unit tests it's gone is that it's kinda redundant and it wasn't really ever necessary and the region than IOC is gone is the now all applications must support I IOC if you're using excite five in iis7 and his family eighty upgrade your project to IOC don't worry if you don't know what I mean is pretty much just
If you're used to developing our division XK him I remember having to guy alert release and release various things and use the keyword release a lot an essentially your job bridge occupied get a whole lot of Arizona's largest they relate just delete that line and then it should work well so I'll just call this our a7x card 5 trade
I I'll other than that all the options in the same you company I don't fire an organization name in all love that should have main chance for check Skype five-way upgraded at from x-ray for and if you can upgrade type that in if you have an upgrade I suggest watching I'll festering women Chicharito an introduction to skied I'm although it to be given because sector for 16.3 the actual controls and set up a family similar yard on the difference when he shot to click right is that it automatically select for you craig get repository on my Mac or you can I Ching the server and then Angeles ever address now I don't want to try to get repository but if he did then that's how you would do that and I'll come a git repository them what they are you know that she charo essentially their way are managing visions are the old projects got in the crowd so anyway I credit my project now a United States a huge difference in that initial summary Weiner you'll say that is firstly matching criterion the warnings here everything ascension it so why there's nae lost the lines very clean is very different charming attributed the differences here so the identity our staff is all pretty much the same the variations in everything and the run the deployment say into the deployment target to be anything 7.6 but you can't do anything on this 6 so if you want to develop something I S five what happened is you develop your Irish 7 application and any more minutes and you can check the deployment are the 26 and any more min a device running Rs 45 just da automatically when i download your application getting all Division and it's something which is being complained about a lot I'm not change in the near future then when I devices anarchist selected I fight our main interface which is cool main eyes nonlethal main story but that story one again his main story mode %uh story or its kinda redundant chat sorry bud it's not just manger storybook so that's the name by default storyboards if you are under device re-education as always is not right the upside down I find United's Robin having icons representing each these options they just check boxes I status by style mom when I seventy can only beautiful but if you selected climate I get a virus six-time as your lover started a 6.10 6.11 to or anything like that then is still possible in a black church Legion and black type ache but if you just developing highly 7 it won't make any difference what service past are you select I another determines which I'll at about show you is your asset inspector I think it's cool down masha you up so rather than having only after I condom orange images
I had right knee indigenous area in the summary we know it you know I'm going to miss asset I inspector and drag them all in a reason to Charlie assets or it never know right near images says much II age manage a lot better we've also got a link frameworks and libraries here as railway are and we can add them showing from the project summary just by clicking at and we get all the brain you I'll a seventh Framework as well as all the old ones the you're already familiar with shot let's imagine on that one at an apt icon I'll might come in this quickly and another basic programming ex-coach charo the quickly are showing now use click on outsource ap icon ash cattle I just like on icon a you could say like to ease I catalogs if you select don't use catalogues all you need to do is get your image by right clicking on the summary clicking at five holes are which the is here and then finding a file to add and then clean for me are tempted to destinations great photo if needed and then clicking add bad our if you see do any is not a asset catalog she had in mind anyone want to import in your image thing is try getting as he usually would have all just click on this folder icon and funny image but let's use an asset catalog so I my great app icon international camera will not pay because are gone from not using national catalog to using saw my greatness and when I made it will pretty much chance for all these images international catalog shown as a catalog as I said is just a way of managing all love your images save for example without icons is about 10 even charging any in eight months behind a screen out right now I'm screen iPad IMed which does not render obviously need one everything pretty much and the one thing tonight is the win iowa 7 the only known written a device that is still supported a TI picture not a meanie so by IRS I hate you by you won't have to bother with regular number images because all devices Louise Redknapp have now you still do cycling on it ara to take me to my asset catalog as you can say I've got 82 times for the iPhone spotlight cheat arms for this two times this and I can click Show slicing all shy I E I if I hija enemy into chance to it doesn't fit that size and ominously won't work and I can see all my assets in my affect catalogs along this preview here right click on image %uh X assets that's how I never get to this Weiner agency here someone's have got my images imploded a shot down the side here I don't want me to do is drag them into the corresponding are into the corresponding I I guess you could call it frame way it should guard and then Apple outlaw x-cart will automatically put the 29 pixel one in your spot light setting search and forty pics a point for your i seven sixty-foot are
I find you i coming home spend only that for you automatically shiny as a catalog is a brand new way of managing your images II in particular so another in the main sorry bud dot story about which is one the biggest changes to exclude so far and aid pretty much just because you get all these new Iowa 17 Charles some image I got my controls a bit taken see more easily now you notice they're all pretty much the same except for warm which you probably haven't noticed first im sure you look at the first and second tabs now an IRS 6 they probably had a title and then text not as the toddler something go to your text you so you i text you is pretty much a text field but in Iowa 7 is not among such thing as a text field just the text you and i can assume any say what that would look like so I can adjust scrollable text bet I don't know what was done to me now you can't review in the storyboard sorry I if you can see here at my text is she liked it to me later by the first you and everything icon to them thestory but if I would run the application that text would display in the area it sorta like adding in a WebView which were not issued on actually to the web page into you run the application so I although they look the same it's the same icon in your assets if I J in a text field it now appears that you are texting you and icon actually prayed text
It's a bit annoying and it's a bit I unusual that Apple would do this for no apparent reaso to have so I let me start at the very very sick and Charles which I labels batons and segments controls very much labeled a very timely is too strongly outdated system for it I which is slightly nicer finally in a narrowing just looks more I'll a seventy the back in there a big difference and different an United that day I don't have any borders 0 NE glossiness or anything that pretty much is labels been in bold and with a different color an apple like to use a different color field batons which is by default blue and not tell users identify them as a baton rather than a label and again I can you suggest funds and everything in this area here United they devote text color is also I like to play rather than the Dhaka more substantively that they had a nihilist 6 and as a medic and Charles a very different and I'll die I'm there are many issues actually with storyboards and training is that people have been having asset managers wanted them it refuses to preview wanna make sure acted although if I did run my application now because that's like to sing mention segment 0 as selected it would actually be selected when I ran my application
Don't worry if you don't know what that means being is set up watchin enjoy looking at the new signage Charles you'll also notice that now because they're all these I bob patenting meant Charles the shower plane boarded and bad appeared to make no difference but they do let me know show you a preview and I A six to do this I don't need to have an IRS seven on a 16-yard a running shot by side or anything all I need to do is going into the little shacks a dark from the assistant editor likely comment now you'll see it take a min automatic shark on my story but I went on a bike ride on the other the wes is on matching up here click on Mac scroll down to previews and then ware says trainees hover over it and then click on mange tout storybook preview now she's showing me a preview in our seventy into that kinda useless if I look to the bottom you can say is that I S seven writer if I click on not and then click a 6.1 earlier
I can now say the IRS fixed-rate and I can use this pattern here struggle which are a knife orange I find in a 3.5 inch I fired so this is why the app would look like in Iowa 6 and that's why I said before that the status bar might make a difference because I they all look like this in iis7 in our section will divert United that the labels have similar funds but again you can see the old I I A six baton to fix it in the Iowa 7 frady a click on my passion and change the type to custom now it's gone to a lot text Alice are going back to a blue just right other and then on strike a blue now the bike bottoms look the same because their bite custom masses shirts one thing the only today the saying in the United is that although there's no way of getting a really nice looking man gene challenger are six outings
hide what you probably do on is for them to be in the same height or approximately the same high rather than having this pain rs7 segment Jul and a pic I S six and then launching into child
So I'll just click on my segment Charl change the shouted bar I don't know that does nothing to the IRS 7 application it will add a passing mention charles I'll a sick which is a lot in our so it's much more proportionate again I then need to customize the tab I really because there's no other way easily changing this tab bar I'm and then charlotte has to change the Irish 6 tabak now coverage element individually in my tutorials again if I to switch by the phone I S seven its grain in ira 6 loan sigh I'm any change the onchange to displayed at least for the battered and now that'll change the bottom after them switch nr6 arrange a bright yellow metal chain in body for them to the bright yellow on in Irish in the fray during the story by that this artist so to shatter to buy it the switch and the slide and the r7 preview if I ran the application I which are due for you in a moment that actually is and that's just add little glitch in their x-cart 5 software I can also not change the some some change invited them it doesn't look so good in our a6 so I don't recommend that you do that unfortunately this which is I have different sizes in our six is a bit inner and a mild wider an hour seven today chatter and squashed together there's no use on a toggle switch that he's been right there was with signage and Charles say sorry just have to work around then leave a beer rain about Abdullah and to the right and left on that switch sarah is no sorry days nothing abstracting its way in I less I 6 or i seven if he designed and whatever one you designed for I'm sliders they look pretty much the same and I have a much bigger some chant at a much dinner I track are much saying I yet will check I use a different ER again the using leave a bit every my round that big come check which is that thing the press and slide the slider so I they deny last six if it looks fine r6 and I had a bash in a bit higher up you notice it is still in China 6 NR seven ish now covering the ban it %uh sorry the slightest agent and careful about that may mean that every Moran elements that give different charges
Again I can change the minimum check change in everything and that's all the same then the progress pass pretty much tried it without the soundtrack and the step it's changed a bit it's now looking I'm like the segment in Charl which R&R sixty looked a lot like an r6 segment enjoy when it was in its past eight Obata followed is sorry that's a lot easiest giant Eni don't even have tcustomized s which are steps are eerily the dollar on an outing knees and Charles like and brainy datepicker which Yukon actually preview anymore in the beta version are exc 85 they did have a preview for the day P ranch XP that thing using this really is being released from the public relations
But you can play a round little about yourself alone so you strike in dying need I'm charge a lower I may change the barge into a lot riding on this site cranes are limited is by default I'm it's a lot better again and there's a lot and I see differences and changes to the process and there's nine glossy look anymore no matter what color it is cycle make it this reddish pink and the initiative flat collar with a little bit of shower and it actually partially transparent sapphic I start I could have a web the behind it and I could actually say a bit the webview you know that using mosques in a hole in a rather different things which I'll show you remind each Charles anti-gay ownership reviewing our six is gone that whole new look now I'm leaving tonight is I need to change the startup black and then make it maybe white-collar above before it appearing in the r6 treaty our meeting about today france items in the title even then the previews not actually working for their title out hopefully that's something Apple fix-up because you're hot accurately preview our mutual wasn't Ottawa's settling gonna change my view phenomenon the United is the passion is our actual web atom about item that's changing they've got a few new identifies sorry if I highly guy identify and then I kept be camera for example it looks to be given our six to eight dozen Rs 7 an era and then run the application now say containing new simulator you can see what the application looks like so I i again in the arson you might if you click on a you got all the senate option except that now you can change by running Truex card before the army and the optional I find or iPad and made from the stimuli to many you could select hardware in the top hardware side right now run on right now for injured 3.5 inch and all that now you can test H&M
Just by clicking run from the next right a united city new option I for rent now for each 64 bit that's because the iPhone 5's and which is just been announced and is being released tomorrow actually is 64-bit now unless you make me really adventure game don't really worry about them ancient won't make any difference to me you I'm gonna run from my four inch I find five device and then click Run and might fit to light and my up the simulator once the simulators lighted simulator has lighted innocence in Iowa seven simulator and you can see our application which will just design is a nice fade on the bottom we click on them and even if a item missing Mich control as you say the step to the switch and a lot every Charles working and as I mention although it is a shadow you know I S arm 7 preview in the storyboard does not actually one on the switch I'm a real device say don't need to worry about little glitches like that all say in say the text you actually showed up in the simulator running is having this place out a blue box surgeon on the good thing about I'm the simulator and testing it in real life I can honestly access on occasions enduring Charles and a and use it as an hour 7 device which is I get the r7 settings\application and as a great new bonus witchy I'm really happy with his of a new unit tested as a developer and it's worth being able to just on the simulated before running on the device you now have a calendar application building to simulator arm on I don't really like they I'll a seven calendar application makes I get a preview the National story yet all than normal I A seven occasions likes Harry with the creature times and everything else run there are seven as it would on a real I A seven divide sorry for some reason you charge your devices as our six devices so that you can show tests are sick sufficiently then agent so test in a senior writer I seventy credibility here in the UK boards and everything right now and the one thing you have to do to actually do any chest are now I a-sixes guy Weiner organizar and that's different as well because the screen organize about on HIA in the chart right corner in Xcode now you really know there are other and the you are a nigger in Chi arm
How many exactly are nice are you getting aren't you Xcaret preferences and then downwind and downright ira sick she might is an IRS 5 simulators you know saddam right I have a documentation everything so did I just scare as I said Xcode preferences which is command comer and then going to need governments have and our the Iowa 6 and five it's what during simulated RR 6 from one's actually probably that a senior and its get and the Union test on BART simulators although it's worth nine the economy by tonight is running at the same time that doesn't really matter now cover love this in more detail about the chart the actual car ride looks very similar and around in a very similar way United said there's an online number nash's because I have a chat line numbers on my act great 5px I really just downgraded the final copy an update in mines are don't worry about that as a whole lot more I could show you like source control which is really get repositories
I want to show you that the one thing I will show you that I is %ah stop this payload run it and then I'll quickly show you some in the basic debugging tools that you have show you initial the different tabs that I have and is one new one it's this one the one with a line three line and not the line
Now I reckon the simulated what you can say here is showing me the memory usage in my application which has been pretty steady and the CPU usage as i've scholar scroller still says pretty much same let's see what happens if I opening each app ISO so nothing much it did work go up a bit and the CPU usage went up a picture if I did more advanced application you notice here that maybe as I change views and I've had this happen before I'll change my view the memory went up a bit and then it went back down and then as our as when I want clicked on the back burner
I've interview went back up and then went back down twenty should be and then I had another application where I i've been in view and it will go up near the memories would spike it will go of it and then I click the back button will go up even more more
then I had to do to baggage farm on the problem was so this is actually really useful for getting an app that works really well you can say that this is using quite a bit memory for an application that isn't doing very much and in a writer Chicho realize show you
How to on the salmon that's made now to fix up any issues when you say what your CPU and memory usage is like so that's a really great feature they've been dance to bagging which it's good to do when you're actually distributing your applications on the App Store so that a longer time on now there's not much else to really show you can now that I want a rancher in more detail later on other than the capabilities tab which just arrived heating very easily turned on things like background minds are my one and only a plan the background and things like that before you would have had to endure in fine up a list you would have had to add required background margin than audio here I'm the nineteen years with their switch service which I i'm just struck down its many in my community ara I'm not want it to
Do you like a shot dead in the background and other arm things like that which make it very very easy to running in the background other things ending you in our ceremonies in europe odiaun which allows you to get audio from other applications senator music app on my fine and I'm after reading your application that I shows an investment related to that music I could find out what the currently applying is using Lean trap audio getting audio from other running applications those are things I gotta protection and maps within applications and things like that China I'm and national side because it automatically turns on the Mac framework are mapped it up framework United States automatically added that framework and a few other ones like possible
It will automatically and the past kit framework and all that and I cloud which is another really great when actually I'm and you can now and your Apple ID we need excrete 18 and multiple accounts which is fantastic all people eat out applications on the table because you know Mike a whole lot of clients at Friday's all your next ride without having to log in and out all the time anywhere that so I've got time show you now if you do you have any questions about using Xcode 5 on each each re: or a question related to update in Xcode 50 updating car and Chi Charles check Skype 5 let me know i buy messaging of directly to you chief commenting on SPDR visiting our Facebook page 99 at facebook.com force Russian 99-cent app development are our website 99-cent app development up com all loans are in the description and yeah I if you like this video be sure to like and subscribe and we'll see you next time for another regular programming Chi cha rail
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