Monday, February 10, 2014

UNLOCK iPHONE 4S/5/5S/5C IOS 7.0.4 WITH RSIM 3G internet

UNLOCK iPHONE 4S/5/5S/5C IOS 7.0.4 WITH RSIM 3G internet

This gtech long today I have by s AT&T iPhone and I but this regard so I can show you guys that this does work on Michael arson nine Pro works on the five s seven-point Odori I West okay missus AT&T right now

You can see that AT&T and what I'm gonna do it I'll show you that this is not a mock right now take out the SIM card this is a AT&T SIM card right now output in T Mobile SIM card if this is unlocked well short T Mobile it is not is gonna say activation required check this out session in a second unit takes a while activation required great one tells us to connect have the wireless so same now ballad this is not unlocked okay I just got this is not a lot you seen that an AT&T SIM card worked I show you guys right now

How to unlock it and you can use a different carrier this is the arson nine Pro have already taken out there it is here and this right here is a simple simple Mobile SIM card okay use your and also just to you as a pointer would she do is this can't really fair well into the phone so what I had to do that to take off the top a little bit I guess something sharp in just take off the top the SIM card so put this in arson pro yet still little too hard to put in in this is Ari after sheared off the top and I'm 2012 hiring a go Safari your arse im dot com Nano 4G download install free now install that I rose click on that forced to gene

I witchy we've done this already that was already short simple mobile at because I tried it out so you can wear it with pride this video but this was gonna come up once you insert the SIM card you gonna go to online you know their phone okay and then used a scroll down to sim applications Inc select carrier and say my focus is not that good a mansion with them an iPhone now Harry sought carrier this is an AT&T phone US AT&T this is a a by s said it was okay we're starting i phone press ACCEPT any restarts once you start iPhone is gonna come up see this is a really simple mobile

And he had a T Mobile gonna have T Mobile he had age 20 anything you know come up all right now let me show you that the comb works I'm gonna call this iPhone right now  initially does it there the message the messages work that text myself send their number reply from my phone earn I'm see the text message see test and text back right now should get in and why would you me for that I'm gonna call phone %um me Simmons miss works com mccollum law Sony mine no K decline alright an ambition lead internet Sony chain of the wifi see that's why I want my Juno me see rain out on edge

I'm Press force 3G forced 2g be I'm who worked the first time this time that work in this is going to edge he's the only thing that's wrong with arson 99 pro usually goes from edge then got 3G this worked on a previous try it went 3 g'night actually work if I can do it again and again showed he hadn't worked was gonna do another vj-day right now its back on edge cell me show you the house not engine on edge hope we can go bad ni yummy it's the EC not that ban it's pretty decent okay and lastly I miss you guys down twice now boys know how works is that you can have to dial your phone number and in us that's how you can get into your voicemail them im shift to be placed major mommy the inning was now 9 did hope you enjoyed this video show you that this is find PMT that was not home working fine Anna on a simple mobile carrier I tested out the Internet SMS the voicemail calling and the marks and thank you for watching

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